We drove to the South Jetty of Humboldt Bay

We took a short drive to the end of the South Jetty which is directly west of where we’re staying on King Salmon.

It was a rough road with tons of potholes, but once we got to the end there was a jetty out into the ocean and a beach on the ocean side. Lots of wave action!

I took a video showing from looking west to the waves, north to see the north jetty and then eastward to where we are staying. You can’t really see our RV Park but you an sort of see the grassy area and hidden beach where we walk Chloe every day. Click on the picture too see the video:

While we were driving back from the jetty we stopped to watch a hang glider take off from Table Bluff. He waited to catch some wind but never got enough to be comfortable jumping off the edge. Oh well! Here’s a pic:

And, the west edge of the jetty had a nice ocean beach. Chloe enjoyed running around and I got a short video of the wave action. Click on the picture to see the video: