Category Archives: 201-Eureka, CA

We drove to the South Jetty of Humboldt Bay

We took a short drive to the end of the South Jetty which is directly west of where we’re staying on King Salmon.

It was a rough road with tons of potholes, but once we got to the end there was a jetty out into the ocean and a beach on the ocean side. Lots of wave action!

I took a video showing from looking west to the waves, north to see the north jetty and then eastward to where we are staying. You can’t really see our RV Park but you an sort of see the grassy area and hidden beach where we walk Chloe every day. Click on the picture too see the video:

While we were driving back from the jetty we stopped to watch a hang glider take off from Table Bluff. He waited to catch some wind but never got enough to be comfortable jumping off the edge. Oh well! Here’s a pic:

And, the west edge of the jetty had a nice ocean beach. Chloe enjoyed running around and I got a short video of the wave action. Click on the picture to see the video:

Chloe met a Seal!

Chloe and I have been walking almost every day through a field to the edge of the Humboldt Bay. Today we met a seal that was sitting on one of the rocks along the shore. Chloe didn’t know what this new creature was but she didn’t bark. She did try to get closer to it but couldn’t get over all the rocks.

The seal just looked at us. Didn’t seem to be scared.

We like it here in King Salmon CA

This year we are staying for a longer time on the coast of CA. We’re here in the south of Eureka in a little community called King Salmon. It has a reputation in Eureka as a “bad” part of town but we like it.

It’s a little man-made spit of land at the extreme south end of Eureka Bay with channels between several short streets so almost every home has a dock. There’s our RV Park and a trailer park on one edge and a little wooded knoll at the other end that is the tsunami evacuation route… you climb up about 30 feet onto the knoll! Hope we don’t need to use that!

The houses in this area are mostly little beach houses, with lots of personality and charm. There are a few newer houses and at least one short term rental place called Shell Cottage. The house just across the street from our RV site is owned by a man who has tons of irises in his garden. He knows a lot about them as well and showed me a new iris he just got from LA that grows in swamps and water.

We choose this RV Park because it shows a large beach grass area with trails running through it and a beach and a lot of reviews mention its a great place to let dogs off-leash. The grassy area also has a lot of little flowing plants.

Every day when we walk to the beach we see clammers digging for clams, as well as other people with their dogs. Chloe likes to run with other dogs but many of them are smaller and don’t want to run with her.

Chloe loves to run in the grassy area and on the beach! Here’s a link to a video of her doing that:

And here are some pics of the area: