A drive through the back country around Three Rivers, CA

Since we couldn’t see very much of the Sequoia and Kings Canyon Natl Parks, we spent one afternoon taking a drive up into the hills around Three Rivers.

We weren’t sure what we’d find, and the map showed the road as mostly dirt and in many places one lane. We mapped out a route that would take us north and then west and then meet up to a state hiway. But, when we tried to turn onto the road we had mapped, we found it blocked and marked private.

So, we continued on the road we were on. It would up into the hills and in many places the hillside was VERY steep and the road VERY narrow!

But it was beautiful! At one point we saw a truck coming the other way and they had pulled over in a wide spot so we could get by. We asked them where the road went and he said it went a few more miles but then dead-ended. He said it would be fine for a 2-wheel drive.

So, we continued on as far as we could go, then we had to turn around (interesting on a narrow dirt road with our long crew cab truck) and head back.

We saw lots of pretty flowers too! Here are some pics: